Two shots today of another example of what I think must be a cross over point between above and below ground transmission. First, a detail of the top of the pole...
This example is rather more straightforward than
Sunday's ... the wires just undergo one 90 degree rotation, and they're on their way. Once again we've got piping to carry them groundward, and once again we've got guide wires (visible coming towards you)
Next, we step back a little and look at the (slightly) bigger picture.
Here you can notice a pair of standard looking distribution poles going off into the distance. If you look really carefully you'll see something else that may be of signifigance that the first picture's angle didn't allow you to see... I'll let you speculate on what I might be referring to.
Also, at the bottom you can see the first hints of a rather ubiquitous feature, yellow plastic covers on the guide wires near ground level. Presumably these are just so that people don't clothesline themselves.